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China issues rules on human organ donation, transplantation

来源:International Interplay news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-03 18:34:44
(Xinhua) 10:10, December 14, 2023

BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang has signed a decree of the State Council to unveil rules on human organ donation and transplantation, which will take effect on May 1, 2024.

The rules have been refined from the ones on human organ transplantation issued in 2007 to meet the demands of changing situations and ensure the healthy development of the cause.

The new rules highlight the publicity of organ donation to advance its development further and optimize the conditions and procedures for organ donation following the Civil Code.

They improve the regulation of the system of obtaining and distributing organs for transplantation and the application of relevant technologies in organ transplantation. The rules also specify the requirements on qualifications of medical institutions and practitioners for carrying out organ transplantation.

The rules improve related provisions on legal liabilities and strengthen the punishment of malpractice in the field.

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